Sunday, September 27, 2015

How long we are going to Live ?

Have your ever wondered How long we are going to live ? The average life expentancy has been posted in the Wikipedia-  Japan 83.10 years,  United States of America 78.74 years and  India - 66.21 years. So on average its about 65 years. This is so much small period  we live in this planet earth. We are human begins made up of flesh and blood. we think, sense and talk. Is that who we really are ? Just a body made of blood, flesh and bones. No right. Do you think you are more then that. You have a soul and you reside in your physical body. Cot in your house or any non living things will live for 1000 + years but not we. Think about it do we need really worried or stressed for our short life spans. Be happy and posivite all the time. Stressful events comes and goes like a passing could. But sky remains unaffected be like a Sky remain unaffected by all the stressful events. It may be your parents, brother, sister or wife or friends annoy you pull you down and stress you. You be your self. Be blissful thanks for reading this.

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